Thursday, October 14, 2010


Yellow folks!

If for some reason you've stumbled across this blog looking for some form of insightful update from yours truly then you're kinda in the wrong place because, well, I NO LONGER BLOG.

To be honest I've always found blogging to be quite frustrating actually - Every time I start a post I somehow end up rewriting it over and over and over and over again. I don't know why. I can't explain it. I think I'm just not meant to be a blogger.

So why not delete this entire account then right? Well, backdating on the archive does bring back some sort of sentiment - I figured it'll be nice to one day come back to this blog just for reminiscence sake (you know, like a photo album?) - so hence my decision to keep it floating in cyberspace.

By all means this does NOT mean that I'm no longer active! Au contraire I've been extremely busy on other sites. They're all listed below so be sure to check 'em out!

1. Yuriz Joe's YouTube Page is my life captured on video coz "I VLOG it like it's hawt!" - you don't wanna miss a thing so do subscribe yeah.

2. Yuriz Joe's Facebook Fanpage is a place where I normally "hang out" so do come on over and press that 'like' button.

3. Yuriz Joe's Twitter is where you'll get the-most-up-to-date-updates coz I'm a crazy ass tweetfreak!

See ya'll there! PEACE-sang!!

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